Enroll In Current Reviews in Clinical Anesthesia®

Description and Objectives - Current Reviews in Clinical Anesthesia® is a biweekly Home Study Course intended for the clinical anesthesiologist in practice. The general objectives of the reviews are to update and change the competence, performance and the knowledge of the subscriber regarding basic considerations in anesthesia, common problems, challenges in clinical anesthesia and recent advances in the care of the patient. Specific objectives that the participants should be able to accomplish after completion of an individual lesson are clearly indicated in each lesson.

Accreditation - Frank Moya Continuing Education Programs, LLC, is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

AMA Credit Designation - The Frank Moya Continuing Education Programs, LLC, designates this enduring material for a maximum of 39 hours AMA PRA Category 1 Credit*. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. To receive 1.5 credits for each lesson, at least 80% of the answers to the post-study questions must be correct.

Lesson Expiration Dates - The use of a lesson for CME credits is available for three years from date that the lesson is published. Expiration dates are listed for each individual lesson.

Needs Assessment - The learner's needs (knowledge, competence, or performance) underlying a professional practice gap in dealing with problems and challenges in clinical anesthesia was assessed by written evaluations from prior enrollees, faculty, Editorial Board members, and the CME Committee of Frank Moya Continuing Education Programs, LLC.

Disclosure Policy - Frank Moya Continuing Education Programs, LLC in accordance with the Standards for Commercial Support of Continuing Medical Education of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), will disclose the existence of any relevant financial interest or other relationship a faculty member, the sponsor or anyone who may have a role in planning this activity has with any commercial interest. Each lesson will carry a specific statement indicating whether or not there is a relevant financial or other relationship.

Current Reviews® is intended to provide its subscribers with information that is relevant to anesthesia providers. However, the information published herein reflects the opinions of its authors and does not represent the views of Current Reviews in Clinical Anesthesia®, Current Reviews for Nurse Anesthetists® or Frank Moya Continuing Education Programs, LLC. Anesthesia practitioners must utilize their knowledge, training and experience in their clinical practice of anesthesiology. No single publication should be relied upon as the proper way to care for patients. The information presented herein does not guarantee competency or proficiency in the performance of procedures discussed.

Enrollment Option(s) for Anesthesiologists

Ongoing Annual Subscriptions / Current Volume

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We are currently on volume #45, lesson #18

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